• Facility Support Services
  • Occupational Safety & Risk Management
  • Research Safety & Services
  • As part of the University of Florida’s initiative to improve safety and increase efficiency, the web-based Gator TRACS (Tool for Risk Assessment and Compliance & Safety) platform is used to manage safety information from a singular point of access. All lab staff will have the ability to review pertinent safety information such as survey reports, hazard assessments, and PPE requirements, training records, and chemical inventories.

    Access Gator Tracs

    New Principal Investigator

    Please fill out the New PI Registration form below to set up your PI profile in Gator TRACS.



    Biohazard Project Registration

    Research involving specific biological hazards may require approval from the Biosafety Office or the Institutional Biosafety Committee. All project submissions, technical change amendments and 5-year renewals are processed through the Gator TRACS Biohazard Project Registration. Please visit the Biohazard Project Registration Page for more information on what type of work requires registration.

    Please access this User Guide for more information on how to fill out the form.

    Chemical Inventory

    All labs, shops, studios, and UF entities that utilize hazardous chemicals are required to maintain an accurate inventory in the University’s online chemical inventory database found in Gator TRACS. More information on the chemical inventory and chemical hygiene plan requirements can be found on this page.

    Need assistance completing your chemical inventory? Please contact Lab Safety or reference the following guides:

    Laboratory Assessment, Training & Chemical Hygiene (LATCH)

    LATCH provides a platform for labs to maintain and track pertinent safety information such as personnel roster, emergency contact, and training records. Additionally, a checklist is incorporated to identify hazards and select appropriate personal protective equipment for lab-related activities. This assessment, encompassing chemical, biological, radiation, physical, regulatory and process hazards, satisfies the hazard assessment requirement of the lab-specific chemical hygiene plan. For more information on additional chemical hygiene plan requirements, please visit this page.

    Components of LATCH

    • Personnel roster – must assign Lab Manager and Hazardous Waste Manager Roles
    • Emergency Contact information – include after-hours phone numbers for at least 2 contacts.
    • Training records – track EH&S training records for all lab staff in a single page
    • Hazard assessment – completed on an annual basis and signed by all lab personnel.

    Need assistance completing LATCH? Please reference this user guide

    Safety Survey Checklists

    EH&S safety survey reports are generated through Gator TRACS. The module allows the Principal Investigators to respond to or reassign corrective actions identified during the safety survey. All lab staff may access the survey report but only the Principal Investigator or assigned designee can respond to and close open corrective actions.

    Need assistance closing corrective actions in Gator TRACS? Please reference this user guide for Principal Investigators and Lab Managers.

    Watch a short video – closing corrective action.

    Safety Survey Checklists

    The checklists used by EH&S staff for surveys are found below. Ensuring your lab meets or exceeds these parameters will provide for a smooth and efficient lab survey process.

    Need assistance with Gator TRACS? Please contact us here gatortracs@ehs.ufl.edu.