Biological Materials in Animals

  • Facility Support Services
  • Occupational Safety & Risk Management
  • Research Safety & Services
  • All research projects involving biohazards (pathogens, recombinant/synthetic nucleic acids, and biotoxins with an LD50 ≤100 µg/kg body weight or that are controlled for export are registered through the EH&S Biosafety Office. Handling of animals that have been exposed to Biological Materials is highly project specific. This will be addressed during your Biohazard Project Registration and/or IACUC Protocol review.

    • Project Registrations: IACUC protocols will not receive final approval until the Biosafety Office and/or IBC project approval is finalized.
    • Acute Toxins in Animals: Review the Acute Toxins in Animals Fact Sheet.
    • Viral Vectors in Animals: Review the Viral Vector Fact Sheet for information on groups of commonly used viral vectors.