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Injury & Incident Reporting

Report an Injury, Near-miss or Safety Concern HERE
Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) wants to provide guidance for all faculty, staff, students, volunteers, visitors, and contractors on University of Florida (UF) properties throughout the State of Florida or while on UF business, on reporting any injury, illness, incident, near-miss and/or safety concerns by using this online Injury/Incident Reporting platform.
In Case of Emergency or Non-Emergency:
- Call 911 or UF Police Department (UFPD) at 352-392-1111 (if on campus) for all emergencies.
- Seek medical attention, if needed.
Work-related injury/incident for a UF employee or volunteer
Supervisors are required to report employee injuries and incidents for investigation.
For all UF employees or volunteers, either the employee or the supervisor must report every incident of work-related injury or illness immediately to all the following:
- Report incident to your supervisor or PI,
- AmeriSys (1-800-455-2079) and
- EH&S Injury/Incident Reporting form.
NOTE: You do not have to seek medical attention or treatment, but the injury or illness must be reported to the supervisor or PI and to AmeriSys, so there is a record of the injury or illness if treatment is required later. An Injury, illness, or incident should be reported as soon as possible but no later than thirty (30) days or your claim may be denied.
For Students and Non-UF Individuals
- After seeking medical attention, if needed, complete the online EH&S Injury/Incident Reporting form.
NOTE: To provide EH&S as full of an understanding of the incident as possible, we recommend providing as much detail as possible when completing the EH&S Injury/Incident Reporting form. Please include photos when this will help provide an accurate understanding of the incident.
Near-Miss, Reporting Incident Without an Injury and/or Safety Concern
- For anyone on UF properties. Do not enter a dangerous area or atmosphere. Call 911 or UFPD at 352-392-1111 (if on campus).
- To report, complete the online EH&S Injury/Incident Reporting form for all near misses or safety concerns.
- Recommend filling in the form as much as possible and including photos if needed.
- Remember, for employees and volunteers to report incident to supervisor or PI.
Resources Contacts
- AmeriSys (WC Claims) – call 24/7 (1-800-455-2079)
- UFHR (WC) – Employee Relations Phone: (352) 392-1072
- Needlestick Hotline – (352) 265-2727
- UF Police Department – (352) 392-1111
- EH&S – (352) 392-1591
- EH&S Risk Management risk@ehs.ufl.edu
- EH&S Injury/Incident Reporting – incidents@ehs.ufl.edu
- Hazardous Material Spill – Contact EH&S (Business Hours) (352) 392-1591 and UFPD at (352) 392-1111 (After Hours)
- Facilities Services – Work Management Center (352) 392-1121