Research Project Requirements

  • Facility Support Services
  • Occupational Safety & Risk Management
  • Research Safety & Services
  • To obtain authorization to use diving as a vehicle for research at the University of Florida, the Primary Investigator (PI) must submit a dive operations plan for the Dive Safety Board review, use authorized divers, and maintain a record of all dive activities. The DOP should be submitted at least 5 working days prior to the start of the project. If the research is outside of the United States, two weeks for plan review is suggested. All required forms can be found on the forms page.

    Dive Operations Plan (DOP)
    The dive plan consists of a cover sheet which identifies the PI, the lead diver, the proposed sites and times scheduled, the environmental conditions anticipated, and the type of diving equipment to be used. The following 3 pages consist of the dive roster, diving accident emergency management plan and the emergency contact information for each diver.
    Authorized Divers
    Divers participating in the research project must be registered with the DSSP and meet AAUS qualifications. This will require minimally, diver certification, a medical exam, a medical history form, copies of “C” cards for diving, CPR, First Aid, and Oxygen Provider training, a liability waiver, and a dive history questionnaire.
    All dive activity will have a dive log kept which will reflect the dive profile of all dives made. This log will be submitted online monthly by each individual diver. Any incident which may reflect a possible injury to the diver will incur a report also submitted to the DSSP. Any changes in the dive activity or staffing should have an addendum filed with the DSSP to document the change.