• Facility Support Services
  • Occupational Safety & Risk Management
  • Research Safety & Services
  • Bloodborne Pathogens Medical Monitoring

    The University of Florida follows the OSHA standard covering occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens (29 CFR 1910.1030). The standard requires that those with occupational exposure to human blood or other potentially infectious (human) materials as part of their job duties participate in an employer-generated program. This program includes development and annual review of a site-specific Exposure Control Plan, annual training regarding exposures, offer of hepatitis B vaccinations free-of-charge, and post-exposure health care services.

    Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) manages this program through the Biological Safety Office. EH&S sends instructions and information necessary for annual BBP program compliance to department chairs and directors of divisions having employees with occupational exposure.
    Training for various audiences (General, Clinical, Dental, BBP Trainer) is available through myTraining.
    Individual departments are required to monitor relevant personnel for annual compliance with training requirements.

    For further information, please call the Biological Safety Office at (352) 392-1591